Source code for nycschools.nysed

# NYC School Data
# Copyright (C) 2022. Matthew X. Curinga
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (the "License") as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
# If not, see <>.
# ==============================================================================
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import wget

import os.path
import zipfile

from . import schools
from . import config
import shutil

urls = config.urls

[docs]def load_nyc_nysed(): """ Load the subset set of the `load_nys_nysed` data for schools in the New York City Department of Education school demographics data set. """ df = load_nys_nysed() nyc = schools.load_school_demographics() beds = nyc.beds.unique() return df[df.beds.isin(beds)]
[docs]def load_nys_nysed(): """ Load the grades 3-8 math and ela exam results for all schools and distrcicts in New York State, in a long data format. This is the only data set that has demographic test results for charter schools in NYC. This data has all of the same columns as the NYC `load_math_ela_long`. Note that NYS does not report the same demographic categories as New York City. In particular, the two groups handle ENL students differently. NYC has 3 categories (current ell, ever ell, never ell) where NYS only has ELL and Non-ELL. The NYSED data includes categories that are not part of the NYC data such as homelessness, foster care, and parents in armed services. """ try: # try to load it locally to save time feather = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "nysed-exams.feather") return pd.read_feather(feather) except FileNotFoundError: return load_nysed_ela_math_archives()
[docs]def load_nysed_ela_math_archives(urls=urls["nysed_math_ela"].urls): """ Downloads all of the zip archives listed in the urls configuraiton. Extract the archives into a temp folder and read them as dataframes. Concats the dataframes into a single df and return. """ tmp = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "tmp") if not os.path.exists(tmp): os.mkdir(tmp) # download and extract all of the .zip files from NYSED data portal for url in urls: download_and_extract(url, tmp) # delete all of the files we don't care about from the temp dir # and parse all of the ones we _do_ care about files = os.listdir(tmp) data = [] for f in files: if f.endswith("mdb") or "RESEARCHER_FILE" not in f or f.startswith("."): os.remove(os.path.join(tmp, f)) else: data.append(os.path.join(tmp, f)) df = pd.concat([read_nysed_exam(d) for d in data]) df = df.reset_index() # save as csv for outside/generic use out = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "nysed-exams.csv") df.to_csv(out, index=False) # this is a big file, so save as feather for internal use out = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "nysed-exams.feather") df.to_feather(out) # delete the temp folder shutil.rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True) return df
[docs]def download_and_extract(url, tmp): """Download and extract the .zip archives from NYSED""" zippath = os.path.join(tmp, url.split("/")[-1]), out=zippath) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zippath) zip.extractall(path=tmp)
[docs]def fix_cols(df): """ Fixes the columns in the dataframe so that each NYSED year is consistent with the other years' columns and column name/formats match other NYC DOE columns in the data portal. """ nysed = df.copy() # make sure capitalization is consistent nysed.columns = [c.upper() for c in nysed.columns] col_map = { 'NAME': 'school_name', "BEDSCODE":"beds", "SUBGROUP_NAME":"category", "ITEM_SUBJECT_AREA":"exam", "ITEM_DESC":"grade", "SY_END_DATE":"test_year", "TOTAL_TESTED":"number_tested", 'TOTAL_ENROLLED': 'total_enrollment', 'TOTAL_NOT_TESTED': 'number_not_tested', 'L1_COUNT':"level_1_n", 'L1_PCT':"level_1_pct", 'L2_COUNT':"level_2_n", 'L2_PCT':"level_2_pct", 'L3_COUNT':"level_3_n", 'L3_PCT':"level_3_pct", 'L4_COUNT':"level_4_n", 'L4_PCT':"level_4_pct", 'L3-L4_PCT':"level_3_4_pct", 'MEAN_SCALE_SCORE':"mean_scale_score", 'SUBGROUP_CODE': 'subgroup_code' } # rename columns to match NYC cols def map_col(col): if col in col_map: return col_map[col] else: return col nysed = nysed.rename(columns=map_col) if "total_enrollment" not in nysed: nysed["total_enrollment"] = 0 if "number_not_tested" not in nysed: nysed["number_not_tested"] = 0 return nysed[list(col_map.values())]
[docs]def fix_data(df): """ Cleans data in the dataframe so that row-level data is consistent across test years and matches NYC math/ela data sets: - student categories are consistent - counts and percents are consistent - exam category is consistent """ nysed = df.copy() try: # this for excel nysed.test_year = nysed.test_year.apply(lambda x: except: # or this for csv nysed.test_year = nysed.test_year.apply(lambda x: int(x.split("/")[-1])) cat_map = { 'English Language Learner': "Current ELL", 'Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander': 'Asian', 'Hispanic or Latino': 'Hispanic', 'Black or African American': 'Black', 'Not Economically Disadvantaged': 'Not Econ Disadv', 'Economically Disadvantaged': 'Econ Disadv', 'Students with Disabilities': 'SWD', 'General Education Students': 'Not SWD', 'Non-English Language Learner': 'Never ELL' } def map_cats(cat): if cat in cat_map: return cat_map[cat] return cat # rename the student demo categories to match NYC nysed.category = nysed.category.apply(map_cats) # rename the exams to match NYC nysed.exam ={"ELA":"ela","Mathematics":"math"}) # make counts into integers count_cols = [c for c in nysed.columns if c.endswith("_n")] # if we have these cols, add them too for c in ["number_tested", "total_enrollment", "number_not_tested", "test_year"]: if c in nysed: count_cols.append(c) for col in count_cols: nysed[col] = pd.to_numeric(nysed[col], errors='coerce') nysed[col] = nysed[col].fillna(0) nysed[col] = nysed[col].astype(int) nysed["ay"] = nysed.test_year - 1 nysed["level_3_4_n"] = nysed.level_3_n + nysed.level_4_n # parse the grade leve string to just the grade int nysed.grade = nysed.grade.apply(lambda x: int(x[6])) # convert percents from 0-100 to 0-1 to match other data def fix_pct(x): if not x or x == "" or x =="-" or x == 0: return 0 if hasattr(x, "endswith") and x.endswith("%"): x = x[:-1] try: x = float(x) if 0 <= x <= 1: return x x /= 100 return x except: print("couldn't fix", x) return x pct_cols = [c for c in nysed.columns if c.endswith("pct")] for c in pct_cols: nysed[c] = nysed[c].apply(fix_pct) # nysed[c] = nysed[c].astype("float") nysed["mean_scale_score"] = pd.to_numeric(nysed["mean_scale_score"], downcast='integer', errors='coerce') return nysed
[docs]def read_nysed_exam(filename): """ Read the Excel file that has all test scores for all schools and districts in New York State. """ try: nysed = pd.read_csv(filename) except: nysed = pd.read_excel(filename) nysed = fix_cols(nysed) nysed = fix_data(nysed) # all_grades = calc_all_grades(nysed.sample(500)) # nysed = nysed[cols] # all_grades = all_grades[cols] # nysed = nysed.append(all_grades, ignore_index=True) return nysed
[docs]def map_nysed_nyc(nysed): dbn_list = pd.read_feather("dbn-beds-list.feather", columns=["dbn","beds"]) dbn_list[dbn_list.beds.isin(nysed.beds)].drop_duplicates() cols = list(nysed.columns) # add dbn to nysed combined = nysed.merge(dbn_list, on="beds", how="inner") cols = ["dbn"] + cols combined = combined[cols] combined.to_feather("nyc-nysed-exams.feather") return combined
[docs]def calc_all_grades(nysed): """ NYSED data doesn't include All Grades like NYC schools, so this function adds an "All Grades" category with aggregate data for each school. """ # add all students category to nysed def all_grades_for_school(row): """For each school, calculate the aggregate result for all grades""" qry = f"beds == '{row.beds}' and ay == {row.ay} and category == '{row.category}' and exam=='{row.exam}'" data = nysed.query(qry) mean_scale_score = np.average(data.mean_scale_score, weights=data.total_enrollment) num_tested = data.number_tested.sum() levels = ["1","2","3","4","3_4"] if num_tested == 0: levels_n = [0] * len(levels) levels_pct = [0] * len(levels) else: levels_n = [data[f"level_{i}_n"].sum() for i in levels] levels_pct = [n / num_tested for n in levels_n ] result = { 'ay': row.ay, 'exam': row.exam, 'grade': "All Grades", 'category': row.category, 'test_year': data.test_year.max(), 'mean_scale_score': mean_scale_score, 'number_tested': num_tested, 'number_not_tested': data.number_not_tested.sum(), 'level_1_n': levels_n[0], 'level_1_pct': levels_pct[0], 'level_2_n': levels_n[1], 'level_2_pct': levels_pct[1], 'level_3_n': levels_n[2], 'level_3_pct': levels_pct[2], 'level_4_n': levels_n[3], 'level_4_pct': levels_pct[3], 'level_3_4_n': levels_n[4], 'level_3_4_pct': levels_pct[2], 'beds': data.beds.max() } rows.append(result) rows = [] cols = ["beds","ay","exam","category","test_year"] t = nysed[cols] t = t.drop_duplicates() t.apply(all_grades_for_school, axis=1) return pd.DataFrame(rows)