Source code for nycschools.exams

# NYC School Data
# Copyright (C) 2022. Matthew X. Curinga
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (the "License") as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
# If not, see <>.
# ==============================================================================
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import wget

import os.path
import zipfile

from . import config, nysed
urls = config.urls

# convert these to numbers or coerce to NaN
numeric_cols = [

[docs]def load_charter_ela(url=urls["charter_ela"].url): """ Loads the charter school ELA exam results for the "All Students" category from the NYC Open Data Portal. Columns are re-named for consistency. """ filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["charter_ela"].filename) return load_charter_test(url, filename)
[docs]def load_charter_math(url=urls["charter_math"].url): """ Loads the charter school Math exam results for the "All Students" category from the NYC Open Data Portal. Columns are re-named for consistency. """ filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["charter_math"].filename) return load_charter_test(url, filename)
[docs]def load_charter_test(url, filename): try: return pd.read_csv(filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass df = pd.read_csv(url) df = charter_cols(df) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df
[docs]def load_math_ela_wide(): """ Load a combined `DataFrame` with both math and ela test results in a "wide" data format. All of the math result columns have the suffix `_math` and the ELA columns have the suffix `_ela`. """ math_df = load_math() ela_df = load_ela() combined = math_df.merge(ela_df, how="inner", on=["dbn", "ay", "grade"], suffixes=["_math", "_ela"]) return combined
[docs]def load_math_ela_long(): """ Load a combined `DataFrame` with both math and ela test results in a "wide" data format. All of the math result columns have the suffix `_math` and the ELA columns have the suffix `_ela`. """ math_df = load_math().copy() ela_df = load_ela().copy() math_df["exam"] = "math" ela_df["exam"] = "ela" return pd.concat([math_df, ela_df])
[docs]def load_ela(): """ Loads the New York State ELA grades 3-8 ELA exam results for all categories. If a local .csv data file exists, it will return results from that file. If no local file is available, itt will loads the Excel data file for from the NYC Data Portal and then cobmines the results with charter school data into a `DataFrame`. _This can be slow_. """ filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_ela"].filename) try: df = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False) except FileNotFoundError: df = load_ela_excel() return df.sort_values(by=["dbn", "ay"])
[docs]def load_math(): """ Loads the New York State Math grades 3-8 ELA exam results for all categories. If a local .csv data file exists, it will return results from that file. If no local file is available, itt will loads the Excel data file for from the NYC Data Portal and then cobmines the results with charter school data into a `DataFrame`. _This can be slow_. """ filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_math"].filename) try: df = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False) except FileNotFoundError: df = load_math_excel() return df.sort_values(by=["dbn", "ay"])
[docs]def load_regents(): """ Loads the New York State Regents exam scores for all categories. @return `DataFrame` """ filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_regents"].filename) return pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def charter_cols(data): df = data.copy() if "unnamed_column" in df: del df["unnamed_column"] df["ay"] = df["year"] - 1 new_cols = { 'year': 'test_year', 'level_1': 'level_1_n', 'level_1_1': 'level_1_pct', 'level_2': 'level_2_n', 'level_2_1': 'level_2_pct', 'level_3': 'level_3_n', 'level_3_1': 'level_3_pct', 'level_4': 'level_4_n', 'level_4_1': 'level_4_pct', 'level_3_4': 'level_3_4_n', 'level_3_4_1': 'level_3_4_pct' } df = df.rename(columns=new_cols) df["charter"] = 1 for col in numeric_cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce') if col.endswith("pct"): df[col] = df[col] / 100 return df
[docs]def load_regents_excel(): url = urls["nyc_regents"].url xls = pd.read_excel(url, sheet_name=None) cols = [ 'School DBN', 'School Type', 'School Level', 'Regents Exam', 'Year', 'Category', 'Total Tested', 'Mean Score', 'Number Scoring Below 65', 'Percent Scoring Below 65', 'Number Scoring 65 or Above', 'Percent Scoring 65 or Above', 'Number Scoring 80 or Above', 'Percent Scoring 80 or Above', 'Number Scoring CR', 'Percent Scoring CR'] new_cols = [ 'dbn', 'school_type', 'school_level', 'regents_exam', 'year', 'category', 'number_tested', 'mean_score', 'below_65_n', 'below_65_pct', 'above_64_n', 'above_64_pct', 'above_79_n', 'above_79_pct', 'college_ready_n', 'college_ready_pct'] sheet_names = ['All Students', 'By Gender', 'By Ethnicity', 'By ELL Status', 'By SWD Status'] data = [xls[sheet] for sheet in sheet_names] df = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True) df = df[cols] df.columns = new_cols numeric_cols = new_cols[6:] for col in numeric_cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce') df["test_year"] = df["year"] df["ay"] = df["year"] - 1 df = df.sort_values(by=["dbn","ay","regents_exam","category"]) filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_regents"].filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df
[docs]def read_nys_exam_excel(url): xls = pd.read_excel(url, sheet_name=None) sheet_names = ['All', 'SWD', 'Ethnicity', 'Gender', 'Econ Status', 'ELL'] data = [xls[sheet] for sheet in sheet_names] df = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True) cols = ['DBN', 'Grade', 'Year', 'Category', 'Number Tested', 'Mean Scale Score', '# Level 1', '% Level 1', '# Level 2', '% Level 2', '# Level 3', '% Level 3', '# Level 4', '% Level 4', '# Level 3+4', '% Level 3+4'] new_cols = ['dbn', 'grade', 'year', 'category', 'number_tested', 'mean_scale_score', 'level_1_n', 'level_1_pct', 'level_2_n', 'level_2_pct', 'level_3_n', 'level_3_pct', 'level_4_n', 'level_4_pct', 'level_3_4_n', 'level_3_4_pct'] df = df[cols] df.columns = new_cols for col in numeric_cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce') if col.endswith("pct"): df[col] = df[col] / 100 df["test_year"] = df["year"] df["ay"] = df["year"] - 1 del df["year"] df["charter"] = 0 return df
[docs]def load_math_excel(url=urls["nyc_math"].url): """ Load NYS Math test scores from the Excel workbook rather than the API. NYC DOE fails to release the demographic breakdowns for test results via its open data api. """ df = read_nys_exam_excel(url) charter_df = load_charter_math() df = pd.concat([df, charter_df]) filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_math"].filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df
[docs]def load_ela_excel(url=urls["nyc_ela"].url): """ Load NYS ELA test scores from the Excel workbook rather than the API. NYC DOE fails to release the demographic breakdowns for test results via its open data api. """ df = read_nys_exam_excel(url) charter_df = load_charter_ela() df = pd.concat([df, charter_df]) filename = os.path.join(config.data_dir, urls["nyc_ela"].filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df